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Genetic [Bomber]


Job 65: (Standard)

Job 65: (Aid Condensed Potion)



Stats 140: 90 Str, 1 Agi, 70 Vit, 110 Int, 100 Dex, 1 Luk

Stats 185: 100 Str, 3 Agi, 100 Vit, 120 Int, 120 Dex, 52 Luk



Amistr -> Dieter



Headgear (upper): +8 Cylinder Hairband [1] / +12 Old Midas Whisper [1] (Master Archer/Adamantine enchant)
 Cards: Dark Pinguicula

Headgear (middle): Seraphim Coronet

Headgear (lower): Seraphim Feather

Weapon: +11 Saphir Hall-OS [2] / +11 Revived Sword of Blue Fire [2] / +11 Coolant Injection [2] / +11 Gene Rod [2]
 Cards: Polluted Wander Man, White Knight

Shield: +11 Angel Mirror [1]
 Cards: Gaster, Khalitzburg Knight

Shield (buff): Royal Guard Shield [1] + Shield of Phoenix [1]

Armor1: +9 Illusion Armor A [1]  (Atk|Atk|Sharpshooter)
 Cards: Marc, Evil Druid

Garment1: +9 Illusion Engine Wing B [1] (Caster|Caster|Above All) / +9 Fallen Angel Wings [1] (EA enchants)
 Cards: Rockridge Cramp

Garment2: Giant Snake Skin of Solidity [Randel]

Shoes: +9 Illusion Leg A [1] (Fixed Casting|HP|HP) / +11 Great Hero's Boots [1] / +9 Temporal Dex Boots [1] (EA, Bear's Power)
 Cards: Firelock Soldier

Accessory L: Illusion Booster L [1] (Expert Archer|Spell|Int) / King Schmitz's Strength/Dexterity Emblem [1] (EA|Strong) / Sapphire Wrist [1]
 Cards: Gold Scaraba, Smokie, Chaos Mantis

Accessory R: Illusion Booster R [1] (Expert Archer|Spell|Str) / Sapphire Wrist [1]
 Cards: Gold Scaraba, Smokie, Mantis



+7 Boscard's Shadow Gloves
Boscard's Shadow Pendant
Boscard's Shadow Ring
Shadow Genetic Shield
Hypno's Armor / Alchemist Armor
Hypno's Boots / Alchemist Boots



Iron Cannonballs



Str Biscuit Stick

Int Biscuit Stick

Renewal Update

Seraphim Set update